Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Bookeen present at MobileRead meetup in Paris


As you may know, we are on the verge to release our new Cybook Opus and will introduce it to the MobileRead community during their French meetup in Paris. There will be some hands-on demos and Bookeen people will be there to answer your questions.

In parallel, we will propose (in avant-première and during the meet-up) to Cybook GEN3 possessors to upgrade their devices with the - long awaited - new firmware.

So don't forget your Cybooks!

For reminder, here is the information concerning the Meetup organized by Mobileread:

When : Saturday, 4 July 2009from about 18.00 (6.00pm)
Where : Le Décalé (previously "LA TROTTINETTE")
23, rue de la Fontaine au RoiParis 11th arrondissementMétro Goncourt (line 11)
or if you prefer Parmentier (line 3) or République (lines 3, 5, 8, 9, 11)

Best regards,



Luca said...

Great News

When the new firmware will be available for download?

Which features will be available?

ray said...

Delighted to hear about the new firmware. Have a great meetup

Ewilan said...

I second the question.
What new features ? When ?
And what about prc support ?

drees said...

Can't make it to Paris, so when will the new firmware be available for Gen3 users?

ET said...

Well... THat was a few days ago. When will the firmware appear online?

Bookeen said...

Dear readers,

The Firmware will be released in a few weeks, I a sorry but we can't be more precise. New features will be:
- folder management,
- improved zoom management for pdf and picture,
- improved font size management for mobi and epub,
- management of the delete button, and some other feature.
- flip-throught option (faster page turn)
We are very sorry for all the delay, but we hope that people from the mobileread meetup were also able to give you some more information and first thought about what we are doing.

Best regards to all of you and have a good reading on your Cybooks.

Bookeen's team